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Forecast discussion, Sat., Aug. 19,
Today's Update
Again much like yesterday; winds same direction but slightly
stronger, but background levels (judging from Galveston obs) are
slightly higher, over 60 ppb. Winds are currently from the west just
about everywhere, so the Houston nighttime plume is probably not
over the Bay. Winds will develop from the south during late morning,
bay breeze will develop along the coast by noon or so, and gradually
move inland during the afternoon. By evening winds will be from the
south at about 10 kts everywhere. Exceedances of 130-150 ppb seem
likely, especially north of the ship channel and north of downtown.
High ozone is also likely in Beaumont (lighter winds and possibly
dirtier air) and Tyler/Longview (Houston plume; 88 ppb at 1 AM
Max T near 100 F (39 C) Clouds few or none
Quick Look at Tomorrow
Same general pattern; ozone should not be much different unless
background levels change.
Multi-Day Outlook
High pressure will remain over the area until Monday. A ridge
building over the southeastern US will bring unsettled weather with
possible widespread showers Mon-Wed, with Tuesday looking wettest at
this point. The latter part of next week will be a different regime,
with less subsidence and flow either from the East Coast or from the
Gulf of Mexico and subtopical Atlantic.