- EPA site number: 48-245-0022
- Address: 12552 2nd. St. - Hamshire, TX
- Shipping Address: 12552 Second St. - Hamshire,
TX 77622
- Phone Number:
- City: Hamshire
- County: Jefferson
- Site coordinates:
- Latitude: 29° 51' 42" North
- Longitude: 94° 18' 37" West
- Maintained by: TNRCC Beaumont Regional Office
- Real-time monitoring since: Wednesday, February
16, 2000
- Current status: Active
- Parameters currently being monitored:
- Pollution parameters:
- Nitrogen Oxide
- Nitrogen Dioxide
- Oxides of Nitrogen
- Ozone
- PM-2.5 (Local Conditions)
- Meteorological parameters:
- Wind Speed
- Resultant Wind Speed
- Resultant Wind Direction
- Maximum Wind Gust
- Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction
- Outdoor Temperature